- Why should I read the Bible? 2 Chronicles 17:7-9; 34:31; Psalm 119:9.
- Why should I trust the Bible? Psalm 33:4; Proverbs 16:22; 2 Peter 1:16-21.
- Why do you call the Bible God's Word? 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
- How is the Bible different from other religious literature? 2 Timothy 3:16.
I believe that every Christian should own a bible, read it and apply it. Christianity may be classified as a religion but, following after Jesus Christ is all about having a relationship with Him. God desires a relationship with us. John 17:3 says, "And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." Having a relationship with God gives us peace which surpasses all understanding, joy, comfort, wisdom, intimacy and so much more!! Religion has corrupted the minds of believers as well as, unbelievers. Some people believe in Jesus and have accepted Him as their Lord and savior but, still they are confused and lack confidence in their faith walk. I was like this too. I went to church, became apart of the youth ministry, had hundreds of gospel songs on my iPod and I prayed here and there… But, still my heart was far from God. I didn't totally believe in what I was believing… if that makes any sense…
This is why we have to constantly renew our minds daily after being 'born-again.' Romans 12:2 says, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may be able to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." I had to come out of my comfort zone and clear my mind from all of the lies & deception that I heard growing up from others -- including those in church. If we let others tell the bible to us then, we'll probably believe it since we figure it's truth. If you don't know what's in the bible and you trust everyone to tell you what's in it- then, you will fall into deception. We have to know The Word so that we can test the spirits and know if God really said "that." If you don't know The Word then, you will forever be lost in life. I know that was a bold and radical statement but, it's the truth. If you aren't living for God then, you are already subjected to sin, satan and death. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior (born-again) then, of course you'll go to heaven because there is NO CONDEMNATION for those that are in Christ! However, while in this life, you'll struggle without knowing The Word of God. In His Word is WISDOM. When we seek His Word daily and more often, we WILL get understanding. The bible may seem difficult to read or may even seem impossible to believe but that's only because you aren't being led by the spirit. The Bible says in James 1:5, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him." It is 100% possible and a sure thing that you can learn to understand the scriptures. But, you'll never know until you pick it up and read it every single day! :) Reading the Bible everyday may even sound tedious and like a chore or something to dread… but, when you get to know your God, it'll become as natural as breathing and as intimate as having a relationship with your significant other.
Having a relationship with God or with anyone means that you know that person well. Knowing God includes more than church services, ministries and gospel music. Truly knowing God means to feel close to Him… so close that you're able to hear His Voice and KNOW that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you. The bible says in John 10:27, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me." If you feel distant from God and like you can't hear or recognize His voice, it may because you haven't spent time with Him reading and applying His Word. I want to encourage you to read your Bible! I recently got into the NKJV because I find it most precise and not lacking any detail from translation errors. But, if you don't have a NKJV OR KJV bible, then, it's ok to read whatever version just as long as it's the actual bible dedicated to our God. The bible says that the Holy Spirit is our "helper" and the spirit will always lead you in the right direction and let you know if what you are reading is correct or not. Get an actual bible though, the app will do, though, it's nothing like diving into the bible where there is no distractions. Grab your high liters, pens, and journal and go into your secret place where you can devote "Quiet Time" with The Lord. This has helped me tremendously and this along with prayer is what feeds our spirit so that we can have intimacy with Jesus. I once believed that reading the bible in chronological order (Genesis through Revelation) was the best thing to do because it'll fit like a timeline I thought. However, the bible isn't written in any specific order. If I were to give advice to someone starting their bible journey, I would suggest that they ought to start with the New Testament so that they can know the True Gospel message of Jesus-Christ which is about His Grace. But, it doesn't matter where you start or end, just as long as you read the Bible each day, mediate on it, and apply it so that your faith will become developed to spiritual maturity.
Most importantly! The whole point of reading the Bible is not only so that we can get to know God but, to get to know ourselves: "who we are in Christ!" When, we are born-again, the Holy Spirit (Jesus) immediately finds it's home in our bodies (hence, our bodies are our temples.) That means that we are all that the bible says who we are! The bible is the Word of God that became flesh - Jesus. So that means that our spirits are perfect just like Jesus! We are righteous, just like Jesus! We are victorious, prosperous, blameless, and powerful just like Jesus! Believe these words because they are exactly what the bible says! The church may ignorantly condemn you, but God said in His Word that "there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit" Romans 8:1. When God made man, he made us in His own image and he gave us dominion over all the earth. Sin entered the world and man gave authority over to the devil. God sent Jesus to die for our sins - redelegate authority back to men - so that we can be reconciled back to Him and have eternal life.
Jesus is so amazing, so perfect, so pure, so incredible, so loving, and so VERY faithful! Every work that Jesus did to prove His faith (casting out demons, healing the sick, raising the dead, speaking life) - we can do too! It is in Jesus and IN you and I. These gifts are not just spiritual gifts that worked 'back in the day' but they work TODAY as well! Everything that He is - we are too. But, if you are being carnal (thinking in the flesh) and not walking in the spirit (by faith) then, you'll never know your true identity in Christ. To know who you are, you first have to know who Jesus Christ is. To know God, is to know His Word. When you know the Bible, it becomes a part of you and you live by it! No more carnal minded thinking, feeling lost and distant from God. When we apply the Word, supernatural things happen! ...things that God promised in His Word. After all, every Word of God is His promise! Psalm 89:34 says, "My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips." Every word of God is a promise! He is not a God that lies because it's not in His nature. God is not like man. God's nature is LOVE! We can trust every word of God. With words, God created everything into existence. If He would take any one of His words back then, all of creation will be extinct. That's why words are powerful. We speak things into existence rather good or bad. Af for me, I choose to speak life: every word of God found in His Word: The Holy Bible.
*Make prayer a lifestyle because the words we speak to God WILL change things! (Also, speak in tongues) But, the key to faith is to believe every word of God. To believe His Word, you have to spend time in your bible getting to know it. Spend time with our Lord and Savior, because He yearns for you to get to know Him! Jesus loves you and wants you to know Him, so you can stop running around lost and confused and rest in Him. ♥
Bible Reading Tips!
Set aside a time to read each day
Pray before and after reading
Use a journal to write notes
Read a simple version: NiRV, NLT
The Holy Spirit will guide you! John 14:26, John 14:15-30, Acts 2
& most of all APPLY GOD'S WORD to your life!
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