When we keep our minds stayed on the Lord and His Word, the peace of God will keep us. But, we have to always guard our hearts by meditating on the things of God.
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8
"Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth." Colossians 3:2
You will give energy what you put your focus on. You can't expect to experience God's kind of Peace if you're watching ungodly shows & movies, listening to secular music, keeping bad company & doing ungodly things in the dark. That's not how God's peace operates. Yes, God is in control but, we have responsibility. We're in a spiritual warfare & we have to continually guard our hearts. What we meditate on, will sink into our hearts & play into our lives. You can't experience God's Peace if you're feeding your flesh and not your spirit. Similar to, you can't experience an abundance of God's blessings if you aren't committed to having a faithful relationship with Him. God needs you to do your part so that He can do His.
For example, if you spend hours plopped on the couch in front of the tv watching shows/movies full of sexual immortality, you'll be tempted to fornicate or accuse your spouse of cheating. If you're watching crime shows, you'll live in fear thinking someone is out to harm you. If you're listening to garbage music, you'll do what the music is putting into your ears/HEART… that's how the devil works. In order for him to tempt you, he has to get into your mind by tempting you with ungodly things that you focus on. If you're thoughts are on the the things of the Lord, then you can resist the devil and he WILL FLEE! (James 4:7) But, you can't resist the devil if you don't first humble yourself before God as the rest of the scripture says.
*Here's a note on Isaiah 26:3 from the Life Application Study Bible NLT: "We can never avoid strife in the world around us, but when we fix our thoughts on God, we can know perfect peace even in turmoil. As we focus our mind on God and his Word, we become steady and stable. Supported by God's unchanging love and mighty power, we are not shaken by the surrounding chaos. Do you want peace? Keep your thoughts on God and your trust in Him."
My favorite verse: "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need." Matthew 6:33
To "seek the Kingdom of God above all else" means to put God first in EVERY area of your life, to fill your thoughts with his desires, to take his character for your pattern, and to serve and obey him in EVERYTHING.
Are you really living for The Lord? He desires total sacrifice, to take up our cross and daily die to ourselves. James 4:4 says, "To have friendship with the world is to have enmity with God." Too many Christians are doing things of the world and people are being led astray by our Christ-less behavior. Our trust in The Lord can win over the heart of an unbeliever to the Lord Jesus Christ. But, we have to make sure we are living for God and not just professing with our lips, but with our actions…and our heart.
"I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid." John 14:27
Note from Life Application Study Bible: The end result of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is deep and lasting peace. Unlike worldly peace, which is usually defined as the absence of conflict, this peace is confident assurance in any circumstance; with Christ's peace, we have no need to fear the present or the future. Sin, fear, uncertainty, doubt, and numerous other forces are at war within us. The peace of God moves into our hearts and lives to restrain theses hostile forces and offer comfort in place of conflict. Jesus says He will give us that peace if we are willing to accept it from Him. If your life is full of stress, allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with Christ's peace.
Experience God's peace by staying planted and rooted in His Word and not the world. His peace surpasses ALL understanding! ♥
"Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 NLT
See Blog Posts titled: "Worry Ends When Faith In God Begins" & "Heart Check"
Book Recommendation: "The Believer's Authority: what you didn't learn in church" by Andrew Wommack
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