Ladies! Don't give your all to a man that's not your husband! Including your fiancé! It it is ungodly to have sex before marriage. It is ungodly to live with boyfriends. It is not okay to fornicate! You're a daughter of the King and you shouldn't sell your self short. Sex before marriage is cheap! KNOW YOUR WORTH!
Here's my testimony: It was the perfect college-sweetheart-fairtytale-happily-ever-after-story…
I met my "now-husband" in college: I dressed up really pretty everyday because I was just so in love with myself. And, honestly, Jesus was the only one who had my heart. I sat in the front seat of class everyday and showed up fashionably late. Apparently, each day I sat right in front of my future husband... One day after class I was struggling to walk down stairs in my 6" high heels. Quincy (my lover's name) was so frustrated because I was walking in front of him so slowly. Instead, of cussing me out, he started conversation with me and asked for my number. We met up at the library that night to study and do homework. He showed up with a bag of skittles and good intentions. We fell in love and the rest is history!
However... we didn't save our bodies for marriage. We had sex and unprotected. To make a LONG STORY short: We moved in together, I got pregnant with Isaiah and I dropped out of college my sophomore year. We argued everyday. We both worked 24/7 and still could barely afford rent or make time for each other. We had so much strife in our home and things were falling apart.
We were equally yoked… at least, we thought. We went to church together, read our bibles daily, studied the bible together a lot, prayed, gave money to the homeless and did all that we thought was a normal Christian lifestyle.... But, we were still having sex… (And, that's the very thing that was holding us back!) Overtime, my faith became stronger and I got a clearer understanding of God's purpose for my life. He wanted to bless us but, I couldn't figure out what we were doing wrong… We loved each other so we felt like sex was mandatory. Without sex we thought that our relationship would crumble. We even felt like God approved because we might one day get married. We were fooled. God never said that fornication was okay and He didn't approve of what we were doing…even if, we were still serving Him in the meantime. Sex isn't going to keep a man, and a baby won't either!!
Don't praise boyfriends! Don't give husband benefits to a man that's NOT your husband! When I became pregnant, I thought I was becoming another statistic. "Black girl drops out of college and gets pregnant by boyfriend." Not-cool… I cried a lot and nagged my BF to marry me. I realized that I couldn't change a man or make him love me. I was excited to be pregnant but, I wasn't happy about being a "baby mama." I prayed often for God to help him see that I really loved him and wanted become his wife. Thankfully, my prayer was answered a few months later… :)
I was preparing for my maternity shoot and when I was half-way ready to go, he laid a rose on my desk. It was Mother's Day so I figured his simple but sweet gift was appropriate enough since I didn't get birth to Isaiah yet. By the time the photographer snapped the first photo… he was down on one knee asking me to be his WIFE!!
As time went by, we still had sex. Just because a ring was on my finger, doesn't mean that I was his wife yet! Things were still rough at home and I still couldn't figure it out… I'm begging and pleading with The Lord to show me what I needed to do to remove this void in my life. He told me that I needed to spend more time with Him reading His Word and learning how to pray. I finally found the answer. As clear as the Bible teaches it, I was blind to the fact because out of all God's commands, I chose to disregard that thing that He said about "fornication" because I thought it was normal and okay…
We later decided to go celibate. We thought it would be beneficial and easy since our wedding day was approaching in a few months… HA! THE DEVIL IS A LIAR! It was SOOOOO HAAAAAAARD! Sexual temptation is the devil's strongest scheme. (It blinds us from the truth, replaces lust for love and causes a whole lot of pain. It's a very dangerous game) We slipped up a couple times but, we learned our lesson: the importance to living a life of purity and respecting our bodies as God's temple! We fasted and repented together. Lesson Learned!
I could've been walking down the aisle graduating from college May 2015 but, instead I was walking down the aisle to be given away to my husband. It wasn't my plan but God's. And, I'm fine with that… His plans are way better than ours!
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and He will direct your paths! Proverbs 3:5-6
Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart! Psalms 37:4
Don't do what you feel is okay because everyone is doing it. If God said not to do something then, we ought to obey. He is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow. Sin will take you further than you want to go! If you're treating your BF like he's your hubby then, what reason does he have to give you a wedding? YOU have to set the standards and YOU have to know your worth! Your body is precious to God. The Bible, says that "He who finds a wife, finds a good thing." Proverbs 18:22. That man must marry you if he wants the hubby treatment. Don't settle for a title. That's lust and not love. Celibacy will teach you what love really is! You deserve to dress up in a beautiful gown and walk down that aisle with your family and friends watching you be given to the man of your dreams. If you settle for anything less of that, you are deep in sin and I urge you to seek God, wise counsel and advice from MARRIED godly couples! Do NOT praise boyfriends, unmarried couples and ungodly relationships. Aim for PROVERBS 31! The perfect example of a VIRTUOUS WIFE!
Visit our wedding page for more pictures! CLICK HERE!!
Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18
Amen! Great sermon! That's the word